Mackenzie Global Equity & Income Team

Uncovering durable business models anywhere in the world

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Mackenzie Global Equity and Income Team looks the world over for business models that we believe can grow sustainably and generate reliable returns over the long term. 

Compounding growth

We invest in mainly dividend-paying, industry-leading companies that we believe are growing organically and delivering consistent returns. We believe great companies are those with durable competitive advantages in industries with strong thematic tailwinds and predictable long-term economics.

All-weather equity

Our investing style combines the stability of dividends and the growth potential of capital gains, and aims to smooth performance across a market cycle. The Team builds core portfolios that are broadly diversified by country, sector, industry and investment style.

Opportunity oriented

With the flexibility to invest across the value-growth spectrum, we aim to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns, no matter what the world throws at us. With our Dream Team watchlist, we act quickly on opportunities to buy superior companies selling below our estimate of fair value.

Meet our team

Darren McKiernan, CFA

Senior Vice President, Portfolio Manager, Head of Mackenzie Global Equity & Income Team
Mackenzie Global Equity & Income Team

Investment experience since 1995

Joined Mackenzie in 2013; investment experience since 1995

  • With over 25 years of investment experience, Darren has held senior portfolio management roles at some of Canada’s most renowned investment firms
  • Former Vice President and Lead Portfolio Manager of a global dividend fund at a leading investment management company
  • Co-managed U.S. equities at a global investment firm
  • BComm (Hons.) degree from University of Manitoba

Katherine Owen, MBA, CFA

Vice President, Portfolio Manager
Mackenzie Global Equity & Income Team

Investment experience since 1996

Joined in Mackenzie 2020; investment experience since 1996

  • 19 years in senior executive and portfolio manager roles at a global leader in investing, where she specialized in global healthcare and consumer sectors
  • Former global strategy equity analyst at a major bank
  • BSc degree in Mathematics; MBA from Dalhousie University

James Barnby, MBA,CFA

Associate Portfolio Manager
Mackenzie Global Equity & Income Team

Investment experience since 2016

Joined Mackenzie in 2019; investment experience since 2016

  • Three years at a Toronto-based asset management firm.
  • BSc degree in Civil Engineering from University of Manitoba; MBA from the Ivey Business School at the University of Western Ontario.

Our insights

Darren McKiernan on Performance

Darren McKiernan, Head of the Mackenzie Global Equity & Income Team, on what performance means to his team and how they deliver for investors.

Katherine Owen – The Power of Quality: Navigating Through a Higher Rate Environment

Discover the defining characteristics of quality companies and how they can weather market turbulence and flourish amid changing economic landscapes.



Quarterly Report - Mackenzie Global Equity & Income Team

Read the latest Mackenzie Global Equity & Income Team commentaries to learn about their analysis of key market risks and opportunities.


Marking 10 years of peer outperformance

A decade of peer outperformance for the Mackenzie Global Dividend Fund, managed by the Mackenzie Global Equity & Income Team.


Beyond the numbers: Mackenzie manager spotlight

Members of the Mackenzie Equity and Income Team discuss their investment approach, how they choose companies to invest in and how they stay motivated.


The re-emergence of dividends

We expect that the market will return to a dividend contribution that looks more like the long-term average than what we’ve seen over the last decade.


The Global Equity and Income team’s approach towards responsible investing

The team evaluates any ESG factors that could reasonably impact, both positively and negatively, the long-term economic value of a company. Learn more on how ESG factors are integrated in their investment process.


Monthly Commentaries – Global Equity & Income Team

Read the latest Mackenzie Global Equity & Income Team commentaries to learn about their analysis of key market risks and opportunities.


Why you need international dividends in your portfolio

There are many excellent dividend-paying companies located in North America, but Canadian investors tend to already have high allocations to Canada and the US. By expanding to international markets, investors gain exposure to the fast-growing regions of Asia and the refined markets of Europe.


Build wealth with dividend paying companies

Dividends can be an important component of investment returns over the long term. They are often more stable than stock price performance and can help buoy a portfolio in years when market returns are negative.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

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